.NET or OLE DB Connectivity to MySql, Sqlite, Firebird etc.

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.NET or OLE DB Connectivity to MySql, Sqlite, Firebird etc.

Post by gerSchub » 10 May 2018, 10:03

Hi All,

I wanted to establish a database Connection via .NET Provider or via OLE DB to one of the above named databases from a TD6/7 .NET application.
Unfortunately with no success.
Everyone of OpenText/Gupta and Partners told me: "Yes, of course it works, no Problem". But after some days of trying I can't believe this.
My question is:

Has someone successfully established a connection to one of these databases via .NET Provider or via OLE DB using 'SqlConnectDotNet' or 'SqlCreateSession' (not via ODBC and not to the predefined Oracle, SqlServer and Sqlbase database connections)?

If yes, please tell me to which database using which provider. Registered provider or not registered? Which location has the Driver dll? Which connection string has been used?
I would appreciate any help.


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Location: Rosenheim, Germany

Re: .NET or OLE DB Connectivity to MySql, Sqlite, Firebird etc.

Post by Harald » 13 May 2018, 17:35

Hi Gerhard,

you are right! I tried to connect to DB2 with a connect string which works in Win32, but it didn't work in a .NET application. But I found several other bugs in TD 7.04 .NET in only a few lines of code (message box with IDOK shows okay and cancel button ...). Seems that TD .NET is still unusable.

Kind regards

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