dotnet library in gupta (with commands?)

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dotnet library in gupta (with commands?)

Post by hphp » 07 Oct 2022, 12:19

i know it is possible to include a dotnet library with gupta ( with the .NET Explorer Wizard in Tools)
i wanted to ask if it is possible to do these steps in commands and if so how?
We have an automatic build, that we would like to do that.


Dave Rabelink
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Re: dotnet library in gupta (with commands?)

Post by Dave Rabelink » 07 Oct 2022, 15:38

hphp wrote:
07 Oct 2022, 12:19
We have an automatic build, that we would like to do that.
I'm curious why you actually would like to have that in automatic building.
You need to generate the .NET library (apl) first, include the library in your sources and then implement TD code using the interface which is done before the build process, which is a manual process.

The .NET library (apl) only needs to be regenerated when the .NET assembly interface has changed. And if it has changed you need to manually change the TD code accordingly which calls the changed interface.

TD applications using .NET assemblies which get updated with new builds without changes to the interface can use the already generated library.
There is no need to generate them in the build process. It even make things more difficult as the generated files are mostly not completely correct or generate too much code which only increases the application size.

Or maybe I'm not understanding your question...

Besides that, I'm fairly sure there is no command line support for generating .NET libraries.
You can instead use a GUI automation tool which starts the .NET explorer and do automated clicks through the GUI's which will in the end generate the library.

The .NET explorer can be found in the TD installation folder:


So you can start the wizard without using the TD IDE.
Dave Rabelink

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