TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

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TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by johi » 12 Feb 2008, 15:08

In sql.ini one can configure a log of sql and bind variables by the oracle router
Only the first character of bind variables is logged, see line
[1] 9
below. :1 / adr_adrid has more than 1 digit, buffer length probably is in bytes.
Low priority bug, fix is "nice to have".


2/12/08 11:03:34 1> [compile] SELECT adr_name1 || ' ' || adr_name2 || ',
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> ' || adr_staid || '-' || adr_plz || ' ' || adr_ort FR
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> OM sadr_adresse WHERE adr_adrid = :1
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> AND adr_txtadr = 0 AND nvl(adr_lbo, 0) != 1
2/12/08 11:03:34 1>
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> [describe] name = ADR_NAME1||''||ADR_NAME2||','||ADR_ST
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> AID||'-'||ADR_PLZ||''||ADR_ORT ,data size = 473, datatype = 1
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> [execute]
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> [1] 9
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> [bind] position = 1, buffer size = 14, datatype = 5
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> [fetch]
2/12/08 11:03:34 1> [end of fetch]


Re: TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by ivanlun » 10 May 2009, 23:26

Hello all, especially guys from Unify,

we've got exactly the same problem using TD 5.1 SP6!

Has anyone out there an idea how to get the whole bind variable content in this type of log? It worked perfectly in earlier TD versions...


Ana Paula Bonani

Re: TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by Ana Paula Bonani » 19 May 2009, 16:36

Hi All,

We'll try to reproduce and get back to you.



Re: TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by mando » 22 May 2009, 14:28

I've been attempting to create small application that shows this application and I haven't been able to get the same results. If possible, could you include the code that you used?

Ana Paula Bonani

Re: TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by Ana Paula Bonani » 22 May 2009, 15:03

Hello Ivan,

After another attempt we were able to see the problem you are reporting.
We are in the process of logging a defect and you'll be informed about the number.

Thanks for your report,


Re: TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by mando » 22 May 2009, 15:36

Hello everyone,
The tracking number for this issue is TD-6773.
Thank you for your patience.


Re: TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by ivanlun » 24 May 2009, 23:12


as far as I know there is no use for anyone in this forum for your tracking number...

Could you probably tell us when or in which next TD version/servicepack this will be fixed?



Re: TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by mando » 26 May 2009, 08:34

At this point, I don't have an exact time of when this will be fixed. If a fix is found, chances are that it will be included in the 5.2 release of Team Developer.

I'll update this forum thread when I get more information.


Re: TD 5.1 SP1 Native Oracle Router - incomplete sql log

Post by ivanlun » 21 Sep 2010, 12:45

Hello dear "mando" and everyone in this forum,

what about updates regarding this issue?
Is the issue with the number TD-6773 now fixed under TD 5.2 SP2?

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