we need your help regarding the following problem.
We have converted a Teamdeveloper Application (TD 3.1) to connect to DB2 now via ODBC we and have found the following problem:
After doing a select statement and a commit, the commit will not free the locks in the db2 database.
That means if an other user try to update the row in the table, the user will get a deadlock / timeout.
A commit after a SQL update statement will work correct and free the locks.
Codepart of the select in Application is like:
Code: Select all
Set bPopulateOk = SalTblPopulate( tblDB2Lock1, hgSql, "select USERID, DOKU_COD, DOKNR, SORT_KZ from T#BIEA.D1W210T where USERID = user and DOKNR = 121066", TBL_FillAll)
Call SqlPrepareAndExecute( hgSql, 'COMMIT' )
Code: Select all
update T#BIEA.D1W210T set DOKU_COD = 'AUS' where USERID = user and DOKNR = 121066;