I've been looking to replace all LONG datafields in our Oracle10-DB with CLOB/BLOB fields.
I created a simple test-app and have some issues.
Inserting or updating a CLOB seems to be no problem using SqlSetLongBindDatatype( 1, 22 ) for CLOB and SqlSetLongBindDatatype( 1, 23 ) for BLOB.
... but reading them back out is.
The problem isn't even the into longstring.
The moment a CLOB-field is included in the select it gives an oracle error on the SqlPrepare(hSqlConnect,sLSQL):
I've tried searching the forums for this, but I'm still clueless.ORA-01084 invalid argument in OCI call
Using TD2.1 so the USE_LOB = 1 option is not available.
I've read about setting the DB-CharacterSet: select value$ from sys.props$ where name='NLS_CHARACTERSET' --> WE8ISO8859P15, but where/how do I set NLS_LANG? I was getting errors when adding this to SQL.INI.
Or does TD2.1 not support CLOB at all?
Thanks in advance