Connect to Compact SQL db via OLEDB connection in TD 3.1

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Connect to Compact SQL db via OLEDB connection in TD 3.1

Post by mathcom » 15 Jun 2012, 12:14

Hi All,

I need to connect to Compact SQL database using TD 3.1 application. I far as I know there is no ODBC driver for Compact SQL and I have to use OLEDB connection.
Is it possible to establish OLEDB connection in TD 3.1? Does someone have short sample how can I do that?

Andrey Shustov


Re: Connect to Compact SQL db via OLEDB connection in TD 3.1

Post by jmcnamara » 18 Jun 2012, 19:39

I don't recall that 3.1 supports OLEDB. Check for the functions SqlCreateSession() and SqlCreateStatement(). If those exist, it's supported. Look up help for those 2 functions and the system variable SqlUDL and you'll find what you need connected.

Jeff Luther

Re: Connect to Compact SQL db via OLEDB connection in TD 3.1

Post by Jeff Luther » 21 Jun 2012, 00:50

Good way to find out, Jim, and I got curious: Turns out v3.1 Help does list SqlCreateSession et al.

Andrew: put together a small test case for yourself and first, if you can, try OLEDB connecting to a DB brand you know works, like MS Sql Server. Here's a example of the session string, FYI, that I have for our MS SS 2005, just fill in the '<>' parts:

Set SqlUDL = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=<password>;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=<userID>;Initial Catalog=<db>;Data Source=<server>"

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