SqlVarSetup for where clause bind variables

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SqlVarSetup for where clause bind variables

Post by aebsys » 03 May 2012, 20:29

SqlVarsetup is running well for bind into variables but not for bind variables in a where clause:

SELECT c_name1 INTO :i_sName FROM test WHERE i_firm_refid = 1
SELECT c_name1 INTO :i_sName FROM test WHERE i_firm_refid = :i_nFirmRefID

The second select statement is not running when using SqlVarSetup.

Please have a look into the sample. fcTest.ReadDataByConstant() and fcTest.ReadDataByID().

Error Description: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.

Best regards
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Jeff Luther

Re: SqlVarSetup for where clause bind variables

Post by Jeff Luther » 03 May 2012, 22:45

First, this must be a WPF issue. Also, what's the DB type and version? What is the content of the file "d:\\test.udl" -- that is, what is the session string? And this is an OLEDB connection? To... MS SQL Server or ...? If so, what version.

Thanks for your test case. I I was able to modify it to add create/drop a test DB table and ran against MS SS 2005 connecting via ODBC. Runs OK in WPF mode. No error on SqlVarSetup call.

I suggest you try this version of your test case, edit InitWithNewSession() for your UDL and see if this works with your OLEDB session string. I will want to see that. Probably you do, but test in Win32 first to be sure this test case works OK, then as I did, change build to WPF and try again.
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Re: SqlVarSetup for where clause bind variables

Post by aebsys » 17 May 2012, 22:24

We are using Oracle
The udl-file content is:

Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=sysadm;User ID=sysadm;Data Source=oracle02;Persist Security Info=True

We did the following tests:

Win 32 Exe with TD native router is running
Win 32 Exe with OLE-DB from Microsoft is running
Win 32 Exe with OLE-DB 11.2 from Oracle is running
NET WPF Desktop with TD native router is running
NET WPF Desktop with OLE-DB from Microsoft is NOT RUNNING
NET WPF Desktop with OLE-DB 11.2 from Oracle is NOT RUNNING

It seems to be a problem with the OLE-DB connection.

Best regards

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