ORA-01461 when updating a LONG RAW column

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ORA-01461 when updating a LONG RAW column

Post by pba » 12 Sep 2014, 08:17


We are migrating a project from SqlWindows 3.0.0 to Gupta TD 6.2 an have an problem with LONG RAW update in an oracle database.

If an update statement contains an sub-select in WHERE clause the oracle error ORA-01461 (can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column) occurs.

In database the column LRT_LONG_RAW_COL is defined as LONG RAW.

Code: Select all

Set l_sUpdate = "update LONGRAWTEST set LRT_LONG_RAW_COL = :l_lsLongString
        where LRT_ID = 1 
        and LRT_VER=(select max(LRT_VER) from LONGRAWTEST where LRT_ID= 1 )"
! prepare sql statement
Call SqlPrepare( l_hSql1, l_sUpdate )
Call SqlSetLongBindDatatype( 1, 23 )
! On Execute ORA-01461 occures
Call SqlExecute( l_hSql1 )
Please find the example as attachment to this post.

Windows 7
Team Developer 6.2.2 (42038) SP2
Oracle 11g (

Thank you,
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