Connecting to Excel via ODBC

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Connecting to Excel via ODBC

Post by firstbase107 » 09 Apr 2010, 13:39


I encounter an interesting behaviour, when I try to connect to Excel via ODBC:

In my repro-case, I simply try to get connects as with any other ODBC-DataSource.
The Excel is defined in the sql.ini (not as a DSN in Windows) as:
remotedbname=FMEXCEL,DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};DBQ=fm_excel.xls;DefaultDir=C:\temp\log;ReadOnly=;
(see the sql.ini in the attached sample)

When I try to connect with SqlConnect in a functional class, the "When SqlError" - defined right before the SqlConnect - is ALWAYS entered, throws the ErrorCode "20048", and then ignored the "Return FALSE" (which should be the returnvalue of the SqlConnect).
The Handle then gets a valid value, and can even deliver the correct brand of the connection.
Even a following SqlPrepareAndExecute goes into the corresponding "When SqlError" with the ErrorCode "20035" ...

Seems like a bug to me ...
Please take a look an confirm, or at least give a workaround as we NEED to connect to Excel that way!

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Re: Connecting to Excel via ODBC

Post by herve » 14 Apr 2010, 15:00


Which version of office are you using ?
Did you try to connect with oledb ?




Re: Connecting to Excel via ODBC

Post by firstbase107 » 19 Apr 2010, 08:38

Hi Herve,

I'm using "Office 2003", no try with OLEDB so far.


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