Help with SQL ERROR 09283

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Help with SQL ERROR 09283

Post by abdulmajt » 20 Dec 2011, 17:29

We have a TD application running against Sybase database and did a migration recently from Novel LAN to Active Directory and the users are getting an error saying SQL Error 9283, not found in ERROR.SQL file and also 00134 SQL CNO ERROR.SQL NOT FOUND LOOKING UP ERROR.

Can someone help. Appreciate it.

Jeff Luther

Re: Help with SQL ERROR 09283

Post by Jeff Luther » 20 Dec 2011, 18:42

Unify ships DBERROR.exe which can be used, often, to look up a SQL error. According to my DBERROR (it reads in my error.sql to find info. about an error #), this is what it says about 9283:

09283 GCI IVL Incorrect version of library

Beyond that I do not know what the root of the problem might be. (There is a possibility your 9283, because of your "Novel LAN to Active Directory" in the mix) but 9283 as a SQL error is shown above. This could indicate that the runtime for your TD app on your users' machines is no longer correct. Why this would change with your migration, I don't know.


Re: Help with SQL ERROR 09283

Post by abdulmajt » 23 Dec 2011, 01:15

Thanks so much Jeff.

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