TD 6.2 / DB2 insert - 00133 SQL IVE ERROR -2653

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TD 6.2 / DB2 insert - 00133 SQL IVE ERROR -2653

Post by Fr4nc0V1ll4 » 27 Dec 2022, 15:24

I'm running TD 6.2 SP5 Update 1 on Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard.
My application works mostly on a SqlServer database, but it also requires to execute some INSERT statements on a Z/OS DB2 database.
For that, I use an ODBC 32 entry with an IBM DB2 ODBC Driver. The SELECT statements work just fine. When it comes to INSERT statements, though, something happens: apparently, my application locks the DB2 table at every INSERT operation, without getting any errors, and when it attempst to disconnect, TD reports 00133 SQL IVE ERROR -2653 NOT FOUND IN ERROR.SQL (in a smaller panel, the error is listed as 26532 too).
Considering the unorthodox mix of tools, do you have any suggestion about what could be causing this?

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Joined: 30 Mar 2017, 06:16
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Re: TD 6.2 / DB2 insert - 00133 SQL IVE ERROR -2653

Post by Harald » 29 Dec 2022, 07:12

Did you check the db2diag.log, and does this occur also if you insert records with other tools? DB2 locks on row level. There is a parameter (MAXLOCKS or so), if the open locks exceed this parameter, a lock escalation will be done by the database. That means, the complete table will be locked.

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