I try to use the grid to change pictures in cells
(the goal is to click on a cell to set it read/unread)
1) I use SalGridSetCellPicture to put a green icon in the cell, ok
Code: Select all
Call SalGridSetCellPicture(grid1,GRIDAREA_Cell, grid1.col2, SalTblQueryContext( grid1 ), CellProp_Image_Header,pic2)
Please Note that If I don't do 1) (don't put the first icon) that works: only the cell of the row selected is udpated
Please run the sample attached and click on the SalTblInsertRow button

then click i.e on the Read cell in the second row: all rows are updated

then click on the SalTblPopulate button: the grid is populated but SalGridSetCellPicture in the SAM_FetchRowDone doesn't work anymore and the icon stay blue
