Solved TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

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TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by aeintveld » 10 Dec 2014, 15:13

Hi All,

When I enable or disable a column in a Grid and SalTblQueryFocus ( hWndTbl, nRow, hWndCol ) is called afterwards, hWndCol will always return the first column regardless if it is hidden or disabled.
In the attached TD 5.2 sample application the form contains a table and a grid. The 2 buttons will toggle the state of the first column of the grid or table.
The trace shows that in the Grid SalTblQueryFocus returns the hidden and disabled column.

This a problem in 5.2, 6.1 and 6.2 latest patch

Please fix this asap, as it is impossible to think of a workaround for this.

Kind regards,

Alexander in 't Veld
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Jan Bouma
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Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Jan Bouma » 16 Dec 2014, 10:20

For us this is also a very import issue.

I also run this example in .net mode
and the problem is their also present.

An other import issue is that:

You place a column in edit mode fill in a value and with arrow down you go to the next row.
Than the colum goes out of edit mode.
There for it is not possible to quickly change the value of a certain column in a set of rows.
This curcial for our user , they will complain about that .
The colums must come in edit mode after the row change.

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Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Acclaro » 04 Jan 2015, 17:36

For us, it is also important that the basic functionality is available.
Unfortunately, the Gupta's policy with respect to reliable information on corrections in the last 20 years has not really changed.

A workaround is to intercept the SAM_Click message in the Action field of the grid. The lParam provides at least the row with the focus.

Mike Vandine

Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Mike Vandine » 05 Jan 2015, 08:48

Hi Alexander,

Sorry, but this is a bit complicated for me to follow. Can you please give me step-by-step instructions about how to reproduce this, i.e.:

1. Run the application.
2. Click on the Grid button. You will see xxxxxxxxxx. What I expect to see is xxxxxxxxxxx. Now click on the Table button. You will see xxxxxxxxxxx. Etc.



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Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by aeintveld » 06 Jan 2015, 17:10

It's not that complicated:
The test app contains a Child Table and a Grid with identical columns:
Column: colNumHidden
Column: colNumValue
Column: colText
The 2 buttons 'Tbl' and 'Grid' wil toggle the state of colText and SalTrace displays the return value for SalTblQueryFocus
SalTrace is also added to the SAL_SetFocus to show that lParam is zero in Grid

- start app
To show the bug you only need to click the buttons:
- Normal behaviour: When you click button 'Tbl' column tbl1.colText is enabled or disabled. SalTblQueryFocus returns the contextrow and hWndNull for the column.
- Grid behaviour: When you click button 'Grid' column grid1.colText is enabled or disabled. SalTblQueryFocus returns the contextrow and colNumHidden for the column.

Hope this clarifies the problem.

Mike Vandine

Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Mike Vandine » 13 Jan 2015, 04:02

Hi Alexander,

I have created defect TD-21527 for this issue.

Best regards,


Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Welskop » 28 Jan 2015, 09:11

Hi Mike,

I am not sure if my problem with SalTblQueryFocus in TD 6.2 SP3r is the same as described here in this thread! I created a test file and attached it to this post.

I will try to describe my problem and what I found out so far. When you start the test file you will see a small grid that has been filled with 4 rows. On the right side you can see three data fields containing the following data:

1. Data 1 => row number returned by function SalTblQueryFocus
2. Data 2 => lParam value of SAM_Click message of grid
3. Data 3 => value of grid column "Col1"

Now I will try to describe what you have to do to see the problem.

1. Start the program
2. Click on any row
3. The values in the data fields "Data 2" and "Data 2" are correct
4. The value in data field "Data 1" is not correct
5. Now click on another row in the grid
6. All values in data fields "Data1", "Data 2" and "Data 3" are correct
7. Close the program
8. Start the program again
9. Click on any check-box in the grid in column "Col 3"
10. All values in data fields "Data 1", "Data 2" and "Data 3" are wrong
11. Click on any other row or check-box in the grid in Column "Col 3"
12. All values in data fields "Data 1", "Data 2" and "Data 3" are correct
13. Close the program

That's it and I hope it is clear what the problem is.

Frank Welskop
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Mike Vandine

Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Mike Vandine » 11 Feb 2015, 08:13

Just got word that this is schedule to be fixed in the TD6.2 SP4 release.

Best regards,

Mike Vandine

Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Mike Vandine » 11 Feb 2015, 11:23

Just a clarification on this. The original defect is scheduled to be fixed with this release. I don't know if this will solve the 'grid' attachment.


Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Welskop » 20 Feb 2015, 07:20

mvandine wrote:Just a clarification on this. The original defect is scheduled to be fixed with this release. I don't know if this will solve the 'grid' attachment.
Hello Mike,

thank you for your reply! We will see if my 'grid' attachment will also be fixed. And as you mentioned this I think that you have been able to reproduce my problem! Is this correct?


Mike Vandine

Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Mike Vandine » 25 Feb 2015, 03:37

Hi Frank,

I could reproduce your problem as well. I believe that the issue with the row number being wrong is defect TD-21527 (previous row number is shown).

The real problem is when clicking on a checkbox after initialization. If you click anywhere else, then click on the checkbox, the values are fine. If you click on the first checkbox after start-up the values are fine.

When you click on the checkbox of row 2-4, the row always shows 0, the lParam always shows 3 and the Value always shows Value 4.

I have created defect TD-21819 for this issue.

Best regards,

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Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by tom_bond » 04 Apr 2015, 00:52

It's always present in 6.3
Thomas Janocha
FORMAT Software GmbH

SQLBase 9.0.1, 11.6, 11.7.4, 12.0.2, TeamDeveloper 6.1, 7.0.3, 7.2.0, TD Mobile 2.3


Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Welskop » 06 Apr 2015, 22:45

tom_bond wrote:It's always present in 6.3
That was also my first test with TD 6.3 and my problem (defekt 21819) is also still there. So I still have to stay on TD 6.1 as TD 6.2 and 6.3 are not usable for me due to this defect.


Uwe van der Horst
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Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Uwe van der Horst » 07 Apr 2015, 09:36

mvandine wrote:[..]The real problem is when clicking on a checkbox after initialization.
This is a big problem for us, too (TD 6.2 SP3 Build 43571). It's not only for checkboxes. If I change in Frank's test case the "Cell Type" in Attribute Inspector from "Check Box" to "Button" I see the same wrong behaviour.
Best regards,
Uwe van der Horst

Uwe van der Horst
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Re: TD-21527 TD-21819: Grid: SalTblQueryFocus bug

Post by Uwe van der Horst » 07 Apr 2015, 13:04

There are more issues, maybe related or not. I have modified Frank's test case to show this. After calling another application and returning back the context row doesn't change after clicking another row or pressing the arrow keys.

(tested with TD 6.2 SP3 Build 43571)

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Best regards,
Uwe van der Horst

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