Solved TD-22095: TD63 Update 1: Every .NET Desktop app crashes in debug

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Gideon Schulter
Posts: 21
Joined: 07 Mar 2017, 08:46
Location: Lelystad, The Netherlands

TD-22095: TD63 Update 1: Every .NET Desktop app crashes in debug

Post by Gideon Schulter » 21 May 2015, 12:56

Just tried the update 1 of TD 6.3 (build 45149).

On my machine the most simple application crashes when running from the IDE / designtime, which makes debugging impossible.

Tested two simple applications:
1) completely empty, no code at all.
2) on SAM_AppStartup showing a messagebox

Both crash when invoked from IDE; they do however run in runtime (i.e. building and running the generated EXE).

Build settings: .NET WPF Desktop (EXE). Indepently of target CPU type.

Tested environment: Windows 7 Professional SP1

Can anyone confirm this?

Samples can't be included as the board currently dissallows files with any known TeamDeveloper extension (.apl; .apt; .apt) :?:
Best regards,

Gideon Schülter
Lelystad - The Netherlands


Ana Paula Bonani

Re: TD-22095: TD63 Update 1: Every .NET Desktop app crashes in debug

Post by Ana Paula Bonani » 21 May 2015, 13:04

Hi Gideon,

Yes I can confirm this. It's a configuration issue due to a problem with the Update setup (defect TD-22095).

Unfortunately the machines where we tested this before the release weren't clean enough to pick up the problem.

We are working on a refresh which will be available next week.

BTW this only affects .NET apps, not Win32 apps.

Apologies for the inconvenience,

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