Code: Select all
!!CB!! 227
Set sLine = sDescription ||
SalFmtFormatNumber( nLineQty, ' 00000;-00000' ) ||
SalFmtFormatNumber( nLineValue * 100, ' 000000000;-000000000' ) ||
SalFmtFormatNumber( nTotalWaiver * 100, ' 000000000;-000000000' ) ||
SalFmtFormatNumber( nTotalStamp * 100, ' 000000000;-000000000' ) ||
SalNumberToChar( 13 ) || SalNumberToChar( 10 )
Call SalFileWrite( hUploadFile, sLine, nRecLen )
DESC 00001 000004000 000000000 000000000 or
DESC 00002 000002210 000000000 000000000
I'll get
DESC 00001 000004000 000000000 ?000000000 or
DESC 00002 ?000002210 000000000 000000000
This has the effect of shifting everything that follows 1 char to the right & because it's a fixed length record, the extra character causes the LineFeed (char 10) to be chopped off at the end.
Anyone come across this or have any thoughts?