SalDiableWindow has a wrong behavior on form windows as child of an MDI.
Calling SalDiableWindow(hWndForm) of the active form window brings another form window to top. SalEnableWindow(hWndForm) enables the window, but it goes not back to top and SalBringWindowToTop(hWndForm) has no effect. You must click twice on the form window to get it to top.
See the example and try the button.
The sequence
should have the form on top at the end of the code, but SalDiableWindow brings the other window to top but SalBringWindowToTop at the re-enabled window does not work.
Before SP2 it worked fine and without MDI it works too.
SP2: Wrong behavior of SalDisableWindow and SalBringWindow..
SP2: Wrong behavior of SalDisableWindow and SalBringWindow..
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Re: SP2: Wrong behavior of SalDisableWindow and SalBringWindow..
Hi mike,
did zou look into the code? The pushbuttons on the forms are disableling the form, then enables it again and want to bring it back to top. So I think klicking on the button should flicke a little bit and at the end it should look like before the click. But klicking on the button on frm2, the form gets into background and SalBringWindowToTop does not bring it back in top althogh it was enabled before. This is a bug.
did zou look into the code? The pushbuttons on the forms are disableling the form, then enables it again and want to bring it back to top. So I think klicking on the button should flicke a little bit and at the end it should look like before the click. But klicking on the button on frm2, the form gets into background and SalBringWindowToTop does not bring it back in top althogh it was enabled before. This is a bug.
Re: SP2: Wrong behavior of SalDisableWindow and SalBringWindow..
Hi Nils,
With my pre-release version of TD6.3 SP2 Update 1 I see:
The main form with two smaller forms, the bigger one being in the back. If I click on the disabel + enable + top pushbutton, nothing appears to happen. It looks identical to when I started.
So, I think this issue has already been addressed in this release.
Best regards,
With my pre-release version of TD6.3 SP2 Update 1 I see:
The main form with two smaller forms, the bigger one being in the back. If I click on the disabel + enable + top pushbutton, nothing appears to happen. It looks identical to when I started.
So, I think this issue has already been addressed in this release.
Best regards,
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