Solved TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

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TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by bheilscher » 28 Jan 2011, 15:36


I am trying to use the SalWindowGetProperty function in .net,
but it always returns FALSE. In Win32 mode, it is working fine.

Is an implementation of this function in .net planned?

Best regards


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Re: TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by bheilscher » 31 Jan 2011, 17:47

Hello Jeff,

the test case is attached.

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Jeff Luther

Re: TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by Jeff Luther » 31 Jan 2011, 23:49

Well, couple related reasons why that won't work in .NET:

1) Web page states that quick objects (except QuickGraph) not currently supported

2) SalWindowGetProperty() TD help states:
Gets the value of a named property for an instance of a QuickObject. The property must have been created at designtime with the QuickObject Editor.

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Re: TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by bheilscher » 01 Feb 2011, 11:49

Back to the first question:

Is an implementation of this function in .net planned, maybe in the next release?

Without this functionality, the .net target is useless for us.


Jeff Luther

Re: TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by Jeff Luther » 02 Feb 2011, 23:22

I see there's an enhancement in v6 to implement this function for .NET: TD-14646
currently scheduled for v6.1/v6.2. I've added your comment to the TD item's description as another vote to get it working in .NET.


Re: TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by a.herzel » 27 Jun 2012, 08:46

For us SalWindowGetProperty/SetProperty are mandatory functions before we can start thinking migrating to .net!!!
Every two weeks we get a message your marketing user telling us we should change to .net but without this functions we simply can't. We were talking about it on the devcon 2011 in hamburg and it was told that it should not be a problem to implement this even till the start of TD 6.1. Now we got SP1 and still no trace of it!

Can you give us a more detailed state of TD-14646 - is it TD 6.1 SP2, TD 6.2???
We need this - Thanks!



Re: TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by sudhakaruki » 24 Apr 2013, 06:46

Hello Jeff,

I hope this problem is still running not fixed yet...


Sudhakar G

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Re: TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by ghuener » 22 Jul 2015, 20:09

My entire class library depends upon SalWindowGetProperty working. i'm on 6.3 (.net), latest update, and it is still not working. any more information?
Thank you,

Mike Vandine

Re: TD-14646: [.NET] SalWindowGetProperty does not work

Post by Mike Vandine » 29 Jul 2015, 02:50

Hi Grace,

This has not been implemented in TD.Net yet. This functionality is not part of .Net and was never meant to be.

Here are some comments from the defect.

“The problem here is simply that SalWindowGetProperty() in .NET does not return anything. It does not really surprise me as I would not know how that outline property would be stored then retrieved in .NET considering it is compiled in IL.

This is not a minor addition to TD.NET. Currently, none of the embedded quickobject properties are even loaded into the new compiler. We never implemented support in .NET for CDK properties; setting them in designer, setting them dynamically with SalWindowSetProperty, or getting them. The whole area of functionality is missing. I think adding this is more of a new feature which would go in with a point release."

Having said that, after your comments, I have worked with the Product Manager and Development Manager and they have both indicated that this would be doable in the TD7.0 release, but not before. I have flagged the defect for that release.

Best regards,

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