Solved 4.1 PTF 2 win98 numeric format and date

Report bugs and possible workarounds for ANSI TD versions

4.1 PTF 2 win98 numeric format and date

Post by toltech2 » 06 Jul 2007, 11:32


With the PTF2 4.1 the numeric value are not displayed correctly on win98 (no problem on xp). The decimal character (,) is replaced by d (!). :(
We removed the gtlsi41.dll to put the first version of it then it's ok. :roll:

Date sometimes are not recognized too. We have then a "Invalid format value" message. no problem on xp.

Do you know this problem ?...
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Ana Paula Bonani

Re: 4.1 PTF 2 win98 numeric format and date

Post by Ana Paula Bonani » 15 Oct 2007, 23:31


TD2005.1 is not certified to run on Win98.

Having said that, we've had a report similar to yours (but not specific to Win98) and the customer found the cause to be a missing registry entry.

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International" was missing from the registry and number format issues occurred because of that.

Hope this helps,

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