Hi, I'm having problems with SalFmtFieldToStr. I have a window handle pointing to a column of type Long String
(hWndLSTR) and a Long String
Code: Select all
! ---- This changes lsNewValue to correct data length (1302 characters)
SalGetWindowText ( hWndLSTR, lsNewValue, 2000 )
! ---- This does not (truncates to 899 characters)
SalFmtFieldToStr ( hWndLSTR, lsMyString, FALSE )
(truncating >899 into 899) is obviously a problem. I'm wondering if this is a bug or somehow related to the data fields' settings. Funnily enough, when I use SalFmtStrToField
(the reverse of this one), it works perfectly
(ie no truncate)
I'm using Centura 4.2. Any help/ideas greatly appreciated.
//edit1: PS: It does not matter if the last boolean is FALSE or TRUE