Go To Item not always jumps to the correct line

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Nils Jänicke
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Go To Item not always jumps to the correct line

Post by Nils Jänicke » 01 Feb 2011, 08:55

Using libraries you can go to the selected items in the apl by pressing F5 or by context menu. But the Team developer only parses the line itselfs, not the context where the line is.

Here the example. In the library flib1.apl there are two functions declared as "Test1" and "Test2". In Test1 there is a local variable delclared and set to FALSE. In Test2 the variable is set too but not declared (maybe forgotten), so the compiler will cause an error. That's correct.
In the application Test.app the flib1.apl is included.
When compiling the Test.apl an error is shown, and this error is within the library flib1.apl. So yo want to go to this item (maybe to declare the missing variable):
On click the flib1.apl is opened, but you can see that the cursor is placed on the first function Test1, not the second where the error is:
This bug is not only on TD 6.0, I know this bug since Centura 1
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Igor Ivanovic
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Re: Go To Item not always jumps to the correct line

Post by Igor Ivanovic » 01 Feb 2011, 13:52

Very old bug as You say.

Would like to see it resolved also.
Igor Ivanovic

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