I tested the connectivity with two different databases on Informix Dynamic Server over native router with a common sql.ini as shown below on two different Team Developer releases. On TD 5.1 I don't get connected to any of these databases. Error number 401 "Cannot open database" is raised. On TD 4.0 I get connected to both databases. You will find the native routers' log files below.
Please tell me how to establish a connectivity over sqlifx32.dll on TD 5.1
Kind regards
Heinrich Wolf
Contact Details: Heinrich.E.Wolf[at]SIEMENS.com
Platform: Windows
OS Version: XP Professional SP2
Product: Team Developer
Product Version: 5.1.0 Build 5917
Short Description: Informix Native Router
Stack traces? Router Log file see below
Third party software? Informix Dynamic Server
Repro Case!
remotedbname=himed7, DATABASE himed, -hfu17921d -ssqlexec -vfu17921d
remotedbname=himed, DATABASE himed, -hfu17908d -ssqlexec -vfu17908d
ifx32.log from TD 4.0
12/3/07 15:20:22 0> SQLRouter LOG Utility - version 2.1.0
12/3/07 15:20:22 0> SQLRouter/Informix 7.x - version 3.0.0
12/3/07 15:20:22 0> remotedbname=himed7, DATABASE himed, -hfu17921d -ssqlex
12/3/07 15:20:22 0> ec -vfu17921d ; Informix Dynamic Server 7.31
12/3/07 15:20:22 0> remotedbname=himed, DATABASE himed, -hfu17908d -ssqlex
12/3/07 15:20:22 0> ec -vfu17908d ; Informix Dynamic Server 10.0
12/3/07 15:20:22 0> defconnect=off
12/3/07 15:20:22 0> longbuffer=200000
12/3/07 15:20:22 1> [connect] dbname = himed username = wh9823
12/3/07 15:20:22 1> [set database parameter] param = 5106 value = 0
12/3/07 15:20:23 1> [disconnect]
12/3/07 15:20:34 1> [connect] dbname = himed7 username = himedcl
12/3/07 15:20:34 1> [set database parameter] param = 5106 value = 0
12/3/07 15:20:36 1> [disconnect]
ifx32.log from TD 5.1
12/3/07 15:30:41 0> SQLRouter LOG Utility - version 2.1.0
12/3/07 15:30:41 0> SQLRouter/ODBC - version 4.0.0
12/3/07 15:30:41 0> odbctrace=off
12/3/07 15:30:41 0> odbctracefile=c:\himed\sql.log
TD-3935: TD 5.1 Informix Native Router
Re: TD-3935: TD 5.1 Informix Native Router
This is defect TD-3935.
It has been fixed and will be available in TD5.1 service pack 1.
Unify Technical Support
This is defect TD-3935.
It has been fixed and will be available in TD5.1 service pack 1.
Unify Technical Support
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