When running code in 4.0 and 5.2 everything works fine. Porting over to 6.0 SP5 all Update code stops working. No errors coming across to say it isn't working. The following code works in 4.0 and 5.2, but not in 6.0.
Code: Select all
!!CB!! 174
Call SqlConnect( hSqlCloseRequest)
Set strSelect = 'Update Test set RQST_STATUS_FLAG = \'C\'
where REQUEST_NMBR = ' || SalNumberToStrX( df1, 0)
Call SqlPrepareAndExecute( hSqlCloseRequest, strSelect )
Call SqlDisconnect( hSqlCloseRequest )
In the attached file the Application Description has the SQL DDL code to create the table and insert one record. Under SAM_AppStartup you will need to make some minor changes to fit your environment.
The program has two buttons, the "No Commit" button runs the code without using SqlCommit and works when ran under 5.2. The "Commit" button uses SqlCommit and works in 6.0.
Was this a fix from previous versions, or is this a bug? It is going to be a most lovely time to go through all my code in all my programs and add a line after every update (and I suspect inserts too, but haven't tested that yet), just to bring everything up to 6.0 code.