Solved Long varchar problem in EXCEL and ACCESS via ODBC

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Long varchar problem in EXCEL and ACCESS via ODBC

Post by BWA » 26 May 2011, 16:11

We would like to change our DB from 9.0.1 to 11.5 SP4.
The tables are already moved and are working with our business application CSS.
Unfortunately the ODBC connection from EXCEL and ACCESS (2000) has problems with the LONG VARCHARs with DB 11.5 SP4.

We use a lot of ODBC connections:- EXCEL for extractions and reporting
- ACCESS as frontend for minor modifications and for data imports

Since several years the ODBC functionalities with 9.0.1 is important for our daily business and works perfekt.

By testing 11.5 we found the following problems:
Excel:MS Query feches the requested data correctly. But when data is returned by excel, data in long varchars are wrong.
For example:
A table with two long varchar:
- first column named CONFIG may contain text value or NULL
- second column named PROBLEM contains text value
a) If CONFIG contains text value, PROBLEM contains the correct text value.
b) If CONFIG contains NULL, PROBLEM contains not its assigned text value but the value of the previous record.

Access:The tables are correctly connected in access (via ODBC). The structure is visible. But there is the following problem:
By browsing the table with more than 1 long varchar we get a Message "ODBC failed" an the value in all fields are "#Name?".
On creating a select with NOT NULL in the long varchar, the remaing rows are displayed correctly.

We found in the FixedList of SP4 a description for a problem with a simliar subject (SQLDB-1278).

Is this problem known?

Is there eventually a solution to fix?

As we depend a lot on these tools, we are not able to migrate to DB 11.5 SP4!

Mike Vandine

Re: Long varchar problem in EXCEL and ACCESS via ODBC

Post by Mike Vandine » 27 May 2011, 04:54

I believe that these issues have already been reported and fixed. I'm just not sure of what version they were fixed in; 11.6 Basic, 11.6 SP1 or the upcoming 11.6 Driver Pack.

My suggestion would be to download the 11.6 Trial version from the website (includes SP1) and just install the drivers. These should be backward compatible to the 11.5 version that you have.

Best regards,



Re: Long varchar problem in EXCEL and ACCESS via ODBC

Post by KCL » 23 Nov 2012, 17:54

Hi Mike,

Which SP version of 11.6 has this been fixed?
Has it been fixed in 11.5 sp4 as well?



Re: Long varchar problem in EXCEL and ACCESS via ODBC

Post by KCL » 26 Nov 2012, 17:00

Hi Mike,

One of our customers is on SQLBase 11.5 and encountered a problem on long varchar ODBC in Excel
What files are involved for the ODBC drivers? Is it just the SQLBaseODBC.dll ?
Is it just a simply copy and paste?

By the way we are on currently on V16 sp2 of EDP

Many thanks

Mike Vandine

Re: Long varchar problem in EXCEL and ACCESS via ODBC

Post by Mike Vandine » 26 Nov 2012, 23:24

Hi KC,

From the EDP Guide:

"Copy the ODBC-specific files from /installcomponents/drivers/windows/odbc to %targetdir%:


When the copy is complete you must register the driver, using a command similar to this one:

regsvr32.exe /n /s /i:"%targetdir% AddDefaultDSN" SqlBaseODBC.dll"

I would also think that you would need sqlwntm.dll and sqlbapw.dll.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,


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