Solved TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post found bugs and possible workarounds.

TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by tarek » 05 Jul 2010, 11:34


I downloaded TD 5.2 test drive and after upgrading my App from 2.1 to 5.2 I'm trying to connect to an oracle DB an error appears when connecting
as follow "DBMS not available:3729 SQL Error 3729 Not Found in Error.SQL file
Find the attached Sql.ini





Please advise
Last edited by tarek on 08 Jul 2010, 11:10, edited 1 time in total.


Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by SHA » 05 Jul 2010, 15:35


do you have a SQLBASE - environmentvariable ? it schould point to the new installed TD Folder (where your sql.ini is)

Or you can set in sql.ini clientruntimedir="<Path to new TD installation>"



Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by tarek » 06 Jul 2010, 09:23

I don't have sqlbase I have oracle client only


Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by randy » 06 Jul 2010, 14:52

Maybe you have some old TD2.1 DLLs in your path. I've got this error in this case.


Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by tarek » 06 Jul 2010, 14:58

I did installation in a new machine


Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by tarek » 06 Jul 2010, 15:00

I try to create a new application that only connect and give me win32 client error and then the following error


Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by jmcnamara » 07 Jul 2010, 13:25

The error indicates that the sql.ini is not in a path where your app can find it...

Error # 134:

00134 SQL CNO Could not open file 'error.sql'

Reason: SQLBase is trying to open the file ERROR.SQL but can't find it.

Remedy: Verify that ERROR.SQL is in either your current directory, the \SQLBASE subdirectory under the root directory, in the root directory, or in a directory specified by the PATH environment variable.

Error # 3729:

03729 CFF PEX Cannot open SQL.INI configuration file for read or write

Reason: The SQL.INI file could not be opened for read or write. Either the file doesn't exist or it is locked by another program which may be writing to the file or has no read/write privilege.

Remedy: Make sure you do have a SQL.INI file. Check the SQL.INI configuration file attribute.


Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by tarek » 07 Jul 2010, 14:49

I knew the problem !!!
In regional and language setting in Advanced tab I use Arabic(Egypt) as a language for non unicode programs
when I change it to English and restart I'm able to connect through the application and through SqlTalk
Can this issue be solved or not because all my customers use this seeting


Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by firstbase107 » 22 Feb 2011, 13:59

Hi there,

we now ran into the same problem!!!!
Rolling out our software in Egypt, we have the same connection-problems!!!

The metioned setting for "non unicode applications" to "Arabic (Egypt)" is very important for our customers.
But we can't get a connect with our application (on TD5.2-SP2-Build21679 and TD6.0-SP1-Build23971M).

I traced the activities of the sample (attached) on connecting with the "ProcessMonitor" (from Microsoft's "SysInternals"):
Be aware of the "special" filename, that is created!!!
Seems to me, that this tries to open the "sql.ini", but creates this mystical filename ...

See attached my sample, and 2 screenshots (one with the connection ok on "german"-setting, the other with the error on "arabic"-setting)

Please take a close look at this and find a solution, as we are CURRENTLY ROLLING OUT OUR APPLICATION TO OUR CUSTOMERS!!!
This is really urgent for us!!!

Cheers from Vienna,
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Jean-Marc Gemperle

Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by Jean-Marc Gemperle » 23 Feb 2011, 15:36


Sorry for the delay and yes you are right the Arabic ( Egypt) locale indeed causes a problem. At first I notice you sql.ini
and though it could be related to the use of @TNS:
please use instead directly this instead

This will not fix your issue though just an advice, it is supposed to provide better performance when connecting.

So indeed could reproduce the problem by simply switch my locale and reboot and only launching SQLTALK.EXE from explorer would fail with same error
In the sanpshot 2 oracle instance connected : UNICODE and WIN1252



Connection failure error 03729 when using Arabic (Egypt) locale
as stated probably against all DB BRAND when using SQLBASEAPI.

-tested on ORACLE 11g SEVEN with LOCAL set to Arabic (Egypt) locale and TD 6.0 LAST VERSION
-once you setup the environment just execute SQLTALK.EXE from the explorer would return right away error 03729

Same problem with 5.2
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Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by tarek » 05 May 2011, 12:47

Hi Alex,
I'm still having the problem do you find out a solution


Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by RicoT » 15 Nov 2011, 14:23


we have the same problem as you: login to our oracle database is impossible in arabic.
This is a very serious problem for us because most of our clients uses Arabic.
We just report this bug and have little time to fix it.
After search on the forum, and have asked for a TD expert, it seems to be a bug with no solution for the moment.
If you have one, do not hesitate to communicate!

For our part, we find a workaround solution wich is the following one:
We noticed that this problem is related to the connector Centura ODBC or sqlora (sql.ini). We do no longer use sql.ini, but connecting via oledb.
It works.

Best regards,


Jean-Marc Gemperle

Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by Jean-Marc Gemperle » 01 Dec 2011, 14:35

Hi Everybody

Indeed the issue shows on TD 6.x version the same way as it used to show on the 5.2 version at the time with TD-15145.
This bug is FIXED on TD 5.2 SP4, I verified it but indeed did not seems to make its way on 6.x version.
I will advice the US on the issue...

So TD-15145 is currently OPEN for 6.x



Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by RicoT » 02 Dec 2011, 15:12


Thanks a lot for this answer which let me have hope for the next version...
I've seen that the problem is ONLY with arabic regional settings, not with hebrew... I don't understand that.

Do you know if there is a solution to bypass the problem until the new version?
(We also have problems with Ole DB (other problems...))




Re: TD-15145: DBMS Not Available Because of Non unicode Language

Post by RicoT » 08 Dec 2011, 14:02

Thx for the tip!!

The version 5.2 patch 4 doesn't have the problem with arabic.
But I don't have licence for it... :roll:
Moreover, I have bugs in TD5.2 which are not in TD6.0 (with the use of long strings/strings: already posted in the forum). :evil:

As the bug is corrected in TD5.2, I have tried to use the dll sqlbapw.dll and rename it in sqlbapw10.dll for a use with TD6.0.
It works!!!

Best regards,


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