[3.1 to 5.1] Report Builder - View --> Groups..

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Armin Pokorny

[3.1 to 5.1] Report Builder - View --> Groups..

Post by Armin Pokorny » 09 Jan 2008, 15:57

Showing/Hiding groups don't work.

I have a lot of Reports saved using RepBi42 with hidden Page Group.
Due to customer requirements i should view the Page Group and add some text to the page footer!
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Jeff Luther

Re: [3.1 to 5.1] Report Builder - View --> Groups..

Post by Jeff Luther » 12 Jan 2008, 21:40

Armin: I see no one gave you an answer yet, so let me try. You say "Page Group" but there is no page group name in ReportBuilder (RB). There are:
* Page Header/Footer - these print (if any lines) generally 1 time for each page that is printed. (Report Header/Footer print instead page 1 and last page if there are items in these.)

* Break Group (BG) Header/Footer - these are what you seem to have (header titles: a,b,c; footer titles: d,e,f,). These print whenever their associated input item changes value.

So, It seems your BG items are 'hidden' because there are no lines on any of them now. And does your issue about 'should view' mean that you want to:
1 - Add one or more lines to the header and/or footer?
2 - Add input items and/or input variables to them?
3 - And how can you do this for "lot of Reports" ? Meaning, quickly?

"Showing/Hiding groups don't work" - well, any group in the report is 'hidden' if there are no lines inserted in that group and no items to be printed -- text, a field for an input item, a box, picture, etc. Just defining a break group does not mean it will print (be shown) if there is nothing to print. And if you have inserted >= 1 line in the group with no items on it, RB will print that line as a CR/LF in your report.

For #3 above: If you want to quickly change lots of reports as in #1 & #2, I know of no way to do this except to edit your reports in RB. (I do have a little utility on my site to back-convert an RB v4 report to v3 and earlier, but that just changes a few bytes in the file header. Since the QRP file is binary it can't be changed quickly with an editor, for example.)

If you mean something else, kindly clarify. BTW, in RB v4.2 you can have multiple qrp files open at once and RB does allow copy/paste from one open file to another.

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