Report Builder: extended query with multiple rows result

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Report Builder: extended query with multiple rows result

Post by vrapp » 16 Mar 2011, 23:33


we are using Gupta Report Builder 4.0 (GRB) that came with our ERP software Visual Manufacturing (VM). VM contains a number of reports made in GRB, and they are customizable. The data for all reports is coming from the calling executable in VM. One feature of customization is called in VM documentation "extended query", which is what we have a problem with. I will explain how it works because maybe it has some other name in GRB. With that, it's possible to define in VM an SQL query and link it to a particular report. After that, if I open the report template in Report Designer, the new item appears among Input Variables, and there's also new Formula called SQLQUERY. Then I'm able to place that Input Variable on the report, so it will display the result of the sql query defined in VM interface.

The problem I'm facing is that this field will only show the first line from the results returned by the "extended query". If it returns multiple rows, I want to see them all, but it does not seem possible. If anybody has recognized this feature, maybe you know the way to see all the rows?


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