Report Builder 5.2 - Save\Export - writing problem ?!

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Report Builder 5.2 - Save\Export - writing problem ?!

Post by AlexGTT » 22 Mar 2011, 13:40


I registered recently, and I downloaded the Report Builder 5.2 which is totally different from what I am looking for, Gupta Report Builder 4.2. In writing of the file "invoice.qrp" instead of writing "sHData1" it writes "s.H.D.a.t.a.1" or if opened whit WritePad “s H D a t a 1” . And as a result of this writing problem my program that prints .qrp’s is gething an error and it is not printing the fileds. :cry:

Is there an explanation for this problem? :idea: :?:

Yours sincerely,

Jeff Luther

Re: Report Builder 5.2 - Save\Export - writing problem ?!

Post by Jeff Luther » 23 Mar 2011, 01:13

Well, no test case, but what you write:
instead of writing "sHData1" it writes "s.H.D.a.t.a.1"
tells me that you are looking at a Unicode-encoded string in that "s.H." version. Unicode is 2 bytes/character; TD/RB <=4.2 was single byte/char like "sH".
In writing of the file "invoice.qrp" ...
?? You'll need to explain more. Are you trying to run RB v5.2 with an older TD? What's "my program" ?? You'll need to provide a test case of what you have. Sounds like you are trying to mix non-Unicode (aka ANSI) with Unicode.

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