We deploy our application by our own setup routine. In this setup routine included are the TD runtime files (included the olexlsf.dll for export from grid to xls-file). All files are installed in our application directory.
In a different directory we install the ReportBuilder. Because only one user should have access to the ReportBuilder all other users have no rights to this directory. Then it comes to a strange behaviour. This users can't get export data with SalGridDataExport from our application. Process Monitor shows that SalGridDataExport wants to access the olexlsf.dll in the ReportBuilder directory even the olexlsf.dll is installed in the application directory? ReportBuilder installation directory is not in the path and I didn't find any obvious registry entry?
I fixed the problem as I copied the file in a directory where all users have access and registered the file with regsrv32. Now everything works.
Is there any reason for this strange behaviour? It only costs time to look for and fix this problem, has no benefit and the customer is dissatisfied.
Installation ReportBuilder
Re: Installation ReportBuilder
I have a similar subject with the SalGridDataExportEx. It works fine in the development environment. In the production area with all .dll's in the application Directory, I get no records exported.
Any News on this one from Gupta?
Thanks for any hint.
Any News on this one from Gupta?
Thanks for any hint.
Re: Installation ReportBuilder
in our application, we use direct Access to the current user's registry to "Register" olexlsf.dll without specifying the concrete load path.
This should look in the application's Directory first. But agreed, this is Kind of a hack.
Here are some pieces of code sou you can get an idea of what we do.
Code #1: Setting the required registry values.
Code #2: setRegistryHKCUKeyDefaultValue function.
If other applications also use this component, modifying the Registration may cause Problems!!!!
in our application, we use direct Access to the current user's registry to "Register" olexlsf.dll without specifying the concrete load path.
This should look in the application's Directory first. But agreed, this is Kind of a hack.
Here are some pieces of code sou you can get an idea of what we do.
Code #1: Setting the required registry values.
Code: Select all
!!CB!! 129
! HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\olexlsf.XLSFileObject
Call setRegistryHKCUKeyDefaultValue(
'' )
! HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\olexlsf.XLSFileObject\CLSID
Call setRegistryHKCUKeyDefaultValue(
'{80C3B0A7-BA1B-11D6-871B-CCD480E9F31C}' )
! HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{80C3B0A7-BA1B-11D6-871B-CCD480E9F31C}\InprocServer32
Call setRegistryHKCUKeyDefaultValue(
'olexlsf.dll' )
! HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{80C3B0A7-BA1B-11D6-871B-CCD480E9F31C}\ProgID
Call setRegistryHKCUKeyDefaultValue(
'olexlsf.XLSFileObject' )
! HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{80C3B0A7-BA1B-11D6-871B-CCD480E9F31C}\TypeLib
Call setRegistryHKCUKeyDefaultValue(
'{49C5B7AB-6005-4B46-A2A9-961D8705356C}' )
! HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{80C3B0A7-BA1B-11D6-871B-CCD480E9F31C}\Version
Call setRegistryHKCUKeyDefaultValue(
'4.0' )
Code: Select all
!!CB!! 278
Function: setRegistryHKCUKeyDefaultValue
Description: Setzt den Defaultwert für einen Registryschlüssel in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
*Returns: TRUE - Wert wurde gesetzt, FALSE - Fehler
String: key
! [in] Name des Registryschlüssels
String: value
! [in] Wert, der gesetzt werden soll
Static Variables
Local variables
Boolean: result
! Ergebnis
Number: keyHandle
! Handle eines Registryschlüssels
Number: keyDisposition
! Informationen über das Öffnen/Erstellen eines Schlüssels
! Defaultwert setzen
Set result = FALSE
If ( RegCreateKeyExW(
keyDisposition ) = RegistryReturnCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS )
! Wert setzen
If ( RegSetValueExW(
( SalStrLength( value ) + 1 ) * 2 ) = RegistryReturnCodes.ERROR_SUCCESS )
Set result = TRUE
! Registrykey schließen
Call RegCloseKey( keyHandle )
Return result
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