SalReportPrintToFile can't bulk print > 10 reports

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SalReportPrintToFile can't bulk print > 10 reports

Post by markkuvento » 03 Dec 2013, 12:55



Gupta Help says: If you call SalReportPrintToFile ten times in a row, you will receive the following error code:
RPT_ErrMaxRps (2).
Not getting this error, but SqlWindows error: 'Error... Cannot open report window' following RPT_ErrRptWindow (6)

Not such a problem with the Report Builder 2.1.
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Markku Vento
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Re: SalReportPrintToFile can't bulk print > 10 reports

Post by OeavDev » 04 Dec 2013, 08:15


try to give a little break after each report, maybe a report hasn't finished completly when the next report is already starting.
Long long time ago a had a similar problem with bulk-printing, for me SalPause solved it.



Re: SalReportPrintToFile can't bulk print > 10 reports

Post by markkuvento » 05 Dec 2013, 10:32


First. These posts should be at the TD61-section, my mistake, sorry. Moderators move, please?

Thanks Petra, but SalPause did not help in this case.
To avoid starting the next report before the previous hasn't finished I call the next report in SAM_ReportFinish.

At least we need a Sal-fuction, which cleans up all the needed stuff to avoid this to be happen. SalReportReset() is not working that way.



Re: SalReportPrintToFile can't bulk print > 10 reports

Post by fppwovie » 17 Dec 2013, 23:24


That's exactly, what i meant.
Calling the next report under SAM_ReportFinish is not enoug - it's to early.

It's more than 8 years ago that i faced the same problem (don't remember which version of SQLWindows, but i'm sure it was before 3.x). I also thought it's enough to start the next report "at the end" of a report, so starting the next report at SAM_ReportFinish. But this didn't work.

Try to start the next report with your own wrapper like SalPostMsg( PAM_StartMyOwnReport, ..... which starts the report with e.g. SalReportPrint) under SAM_ReportFinish. This gives Gupta the time it takes to finish a report.



Re: SalReportPrintToFile can't bulk print > 10 reports

Post by markkuvento » 18 Dec 2013, 07:03

Hi Petra,

Thank U very very much. Your hint resolves this.
If anybody else interested, look PAM_StartNextReport (

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