Large PDF

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Large PDF

Post by neblo » 29 Feb 2008, 10:44

By creating a PDF file, with the function SalReportPrintToFile, a very large file is produced (more than 500KBytes).
How can I set or influence the file size?

Jean-Marc Gemperle

Re: Large PDF

Post by Jean-Marc Gemperle » 29 Feb 2008, 17:12


Well obviously the data matter here, but that of course you know, but I would believe there might be render quality options to generate the PDF, this is what you mean right? if that is the case, I don't know any way currently to specificy options for te PDF generation and if that exist, but will ask and let you know


Jeff Luther

Re: Large PDF

Post by Jeff Luther » 29 Feb 2008, 21:28

neblo wrote:By creating a PDF file, with the function SalReportPrintToFile, a very large file is produced (more than 500KBytes).
How can I set or influence the file size?
I'd also like to ask a couple questions:
-- How many rows in the query are used to pop. the report? (I.e., how large is the result set?)
-- How many pages in the report are produced in your PDF file?
-- What's the size of a bare minimum report with, say, 1 row or single row in the Detail Block only?

As JM says, size counts, so 500K in and of itself isn't enough info. to eval. 'big' or 'small.'

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