How possible would it be for you to add a new attribute to the "Background Text" in the "Attribute Inspector" called "Orientation"? This attribute could be used to set the degrees value to change the background text orientation --for example to: 45, 90, 180 or other?
Thank You,
Background Text Orientation
Re: Background Text Orientation
Hello there,
I voted "YES" but I'd like to add, that "full 90 degree steps" will do for me.
I voted "YES" but I'd like to add, that "full 90 degree steps" will do for me.
Re: Background Text Orientation
ok, I never thought about other orientations than 90°. So for me 90° is fully sufficient, too.
ok, I never thought about other orientations than 90°. So for me 90° is fully sufficient, too.
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