Solved Devcon 2015 Frankfurt - Grid Export TD 7.0

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Devcon 2015 Frankfurt - Grid Export TD 7.0

Post by MWegner » 03 Nov 2015, 12:41


you presented a new feature to export only the selected rows and columns from a grid in TD 7.0.

Can you please add an additional option to exclude invisible columns.

Or is this already in place and I don't know how to use it?

Thanks a lot in advance
Martin Wegner

Mike Vandine

Re: Devcon 2015 Frankfurt - Grid Export TD 7.0

Post by Mike Vandine » 04 Nov 2015, 10:35

Hi Martin,

Just a clarification:

This is a *new* function, right, and you are just asking to make sure that you can exclude an invisible column.

Do I have your request correct?

Best regards,

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Re: Devcon 2015 Frankfurt - Grid Export TD 7.0

Post by MWegner » 04 Nov 2015, 14:40

This new feature was in the presentation of Doug Frink named Team Developer 7 New GUI Features in the DevCon Frankfurt.

Here is a copy of the slide:

Grid Export Flags
•SalGridDataExportExargument #5 now used for flags
•EXPORT_HideHeaders-Excludes the column headers
•EXPORT_SelectedRows-Export only selected rows
•EXPORT_SelectedCols-Export only selected columns

I now ask for a additional fourth option to not export hidden columns. So the user can export all visible columns without selecting them all. At the moment (6.3) all columns (visible and invisible) will be exported.

Best regards

Uwe van der Horst
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Re: Devcon 2015 Frankfurt - Grid Export TD 7.0

Post by Uwe van der Horst » 04 Nov 2015, 21:33

MWegner wrote:I now ask for a additional fourth option to not export hidden columns. So the user can export all visible columns without selecting them all. At the moment (6.3) all columns (visible and invisible) will be exported.
Hi Martin,

I agree, hidden columns should not be exported. I don't think that Gupta really will export hidden columns with flag EXPORT_SelectedCols. This would make no sense.

Even with 6.2/6.3 there is a solution. You can use SalGridDataExportEx (hWndGrd, strFileName, nFormat, bVisible, nReserved)
With bVisibleBoolean = TRUE, only visible columns are exported.

Best regards,
Best regards,
Uwe van der Horst

Mike Vandine

Re: Devcon 2015 Frankfurt - Grid Export TD 7.0

Post by Mike Vandine » 05 Nov 2015, 00:19

Thanks, Uwe! That's what I got back from Development this morning. :)

Best regards,

Mike Vandine

Re: Devcon 2015 Frankfurt - Grid Export TD 7.0

Post by Mike Vandine » 05 Nov 2015, 06:40

Oh, and BTW, with the new features that were presented, the Product Manager says:

"It doesn’t look like we have an option of excluding invisible columns. Invisible columns are added with the features we have now.
I will add that to the TD 7.0 features."

So, your wish has been granted. :)

Best regards,

Posts: 83
Joined: 11 Apr 2017, 07:39
Location: Germany

Re: Devcon 2015 Frankfurt - Grid Export TD 7.0

Post by MWegner » 05 Nov 2015, 07:23

I have to try it, but I think what I searched was SalGridDataExportEx. Thanks Uwe and Mike for the help.

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