Won't Fix TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

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Dave Rabelink
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TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

Post by Dave Rabelink » 24 Apr 2012, 13:47

TD 6.1

I found during the past couple of weeks using TD 6.1 that the file open does not remember the last used folder location correctly.
It is very annoying when opening a new IDE instance, I will have to keep browsing to my files when opening them.

But now I have found that TD does remember it, but only when you use File Open the second time.
So initially, the default TD 6.1 install folder is used.
Just by closing the File Open dialog and open it again will use the last folder.

A video says more than words...

https://samples.tdcommunity.net/index.p ... cation.wmv
Dave Rabelink

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Jeff Luther

Re: TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

Post by Jeff Luther » 24 Apr 2012, 16:24

Odd, I don't see this. I opened 6.1 just now and File/Open popped open to the folder I'd had last opened yesterday. I nav'd to c:\, opened an apt, closed TD, opened again and F/O opened to root again.

What I have seen is that if you nav. to a folder but don't open the file, then close TD, next F/O will be back to last opened file folder, not that most recent one you nav'd to.

Dave Rabelink
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Re: TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

Post by Dave Rabelink » 24 Apr 2012, 16:31

Well maybe it has something to do with having multiple instances open with different last locations.
Maybe when the last location is at another drive where TD is installed.

I have this all the time but it is hard to get a fixed testcase as this seems not to be consequent.

But TD definitely inits the File Open dialog wrong as the video shows.

An colleague here has the same. He was the one who discovered the double-fileopen action to have the correct last folder.

I will see if I can get teststeps so it can be reproduced all the time.
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Dave Rabelink
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Re: TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

Post by Dave Rabelink » 24 Apr 2012, 16:42

Yes I have it.

1) Make sure all TD instances are closed
2) Start TD and make sure you have loaded a source from the install dir
3) Close TD
4) Start TD again, now open a file on another drive (eg D:)
5) Start another instance of TD
6) Open file now is not on D:
7) Close FileOpen dialog and open again -> now it is on D:
Dave Rabelink

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Jeff Luther

Re: TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

Post by Jeff Luther » 24 Apr 2012, 16:46

5) Start another instance of TD
I can look at your steps, but your step #5 could be the issue: TD doesn't update the registry until it's closed. That means that with instance 2 opened(and instance 1 not closed) 2 will behave the same as 1.

Dave Rabelink
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Re: TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

Post by Dave Rabelink » 24 Apr 2012, 16:52

Jeff Luther wrote:
5) Start another instance of TD
I can look at your steps, but your step #5 could be the issue: TD doesn't update the registry until it's closed. That means that with instance 2 opened(and instance 1 not closed) 2 will behave the same as 1.
No, seems not.
Why then does the second instance open to the correct last folder only when choosing to open a file the second time?
So the first time FIleOpen -> C:\program....
(Cancel that FileOpen)
And then repeat FileOPen -> D:\....

When the first instance only updates the last folder at close, why does the second instance suddenly can browse that last folder when opening twice?
Dave Rabelink

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Jeff Luther

Re: TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

Post by Jeff Luther » 24 Apr 2012, 18:40

6) Open file now is not on D:
7) Close FileOpen dialog and open again -> now it is on D:
Yep, I see this in v6.1. I also see the same behavior with:
* v6.0
* v5.2
* v4.2

Interesting... you appear the first to report this, Dave :shock: Realistically, I think this is the 'way it is' (TD v4.2 is the de facto 'standard' for new TD behavior). I can get this logged in as a defect but it is likely going to be way down on fix list. Why? Cosmetic/minor only, in the product since at least 4.2.

Dave Rabelink
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Re: TD-17623: IDE: File open default location issue

Post by Dave Rabelink » 24 Apr 2012, 19:52

Ok, not a bug then, but IMHO an annoying quirk.
Specially now having more locations for sources here with quite deep paths, to keep browsing to them is getting on my nerves.

So please make it an enhancement then:

Remember last used path for OpenFile and SaveFile even when multiple IDE instances are open and are immediately in effect without closing TD.
Dave Rabelink

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