Version information

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Version information

Post by markus.essmayr » 03 Mar 2008, 10:13


when specifying version information in the "Project settings" dialog and saving the application file as APT, the version information seens to be stored inside the DT_MAKERUNDLG data area.

I have some ideas here:
1. Make the version information part of the outline (maybe near the head area) so it's possible to edit it without having to open a dialog.
2. This in turn will lead to remove the information out of the DT_MAKERUNDLG area, so it will be "readable" by text based reporting applications. (Whatever this may mean. :) )
3. Make the version information accessible from inside the application, so it will be possible to define the application version on one place, and still display it inside an "About ..." dialog. (For example: Call SalSetWindowText( dfnVersionNumber, Application.Version ) )

Markus Eßmayr

Jeff Luther

Re: Version information

Post by Jeff Luther » 03 Mar 2008, 17:15

I have a sample on my link below to show how to get the Build Settings for an appl. Click on Samples; they are listed in alpha. order.

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Re: Version information

Post by markus.essmayr » 04 Mar 2008, 07:44

Hello Jeff,

thanks for your message.
I believe you mean the "TD-RBS - Demos" on your site!?
Trying to download them ends in the message

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at the moment. Maybe you could verify this.

But even if it's possible to read the settings, I'd still prefer having them to be part of the outline easily accessible from inside the application.
This would also be a necessary pre-work for making TD capable of .NET assemblies (Assembly-Version-Attributes).

Markus Eßmayr

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