Enhancement request: Compiler directive

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Nils Jänicke
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Enhancement request: Compiler directive

Post by Nils Jänicke » 09 Jul 2021, 08:09

Since a apl file can be used for both worlds, to code the same business logic for a traditional win32 application and also tu build a webservice for that I miss a possibility to filter in code like

Code: Select all

Local Variables:
  String: sEval
  Number: nError
  String sReturn
  Number: nReturn
  #if WIN32
    Window Handle: hWndReturn

#if WIN32
  Call SalCompileAndEvaluate(sEval, nError, ..., hWndReturn,...)
  Call SalNetCompileAndEvaluate(sEval, nError,...)
Now I can filter like
If SalIsDotNet(nTarget)

but using window handles already causes compiler errors and it is very difficult tu build high performance classes to use the same code part for all build destinations.

Dave Rabelink
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Re: Enhancement request: Compiler directive

Post by Dave Rabelink » 12 Jul 2021, 06:40

Did you create an official enhancement request for this?
If so, please report the TD case number here for future reference.
Dave Rabelink

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