TD-24218: SalReportPrintToFileExt() always embeds fonts in PDF

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TD-24218: SalReportPrintToFileExt() always embeds fonts in PDF

Post by thomas.uttendorfer » 19 Oct 2018, 12:53


we tried every possible parameter in SalReportPrintToFileExt(..) but were not able to produce PDF files without embedded font.
Since our customers produce a lot of pdf documents and 1) send them to their customers and 2) archive them to their system
both use cases require as small as possible PDF files which can only be achieved without embedded fonts.
Do we miss something? Or is it a bug?
Here is a test case.
Regards Thomas
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Thomas Uttendorfer
[ frevel & fey ] Software-System GmbH

Jeff Luther
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Re: TD-24218: SalReportPrintToFileExt() always embeds fonts in PDF

Post by Jeff Luther » 19 Oct 2018, 19:59

Some interesting results, Thomas. I back-converted your v7 test and get these results:

TD v6.1: Works except for the embed/DontEmbed pair of PDFs. Both are 35K in size. The other PDFs show 79K vs. 35K each, for embed vs. don't embed. v6.1 PDFs are in the TDv61 zip.

TD v6.3: same problem as your v7 test. Odd that the 'break' in the code somewhere after 6.1 never got reported. Or maybe was reported and is still an open bug? v6.3 PDFs are in the TDv63 zip.
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Jeff Luther @ PC Design
Palm Springs, California

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Re: TD-24218: SalReportPrintToFileExt() always embeds fonts in PDF

Post by thomas.uttendorfer » 22 Oct 2018, 13:15

Hi Jeff,
thanks for the info.

But even in the smaller PDF-files from TD61 there are fonts embedded.
When you open them with Acrobat
right click on the document
chose document properties
on pane fonts you see that they are partially embedded
which means that only for the used characters the glyphs of the font are embedded.

We opened a ticket at open text
#TD-24218 Generated PDF using SalReportPrintToFileEx() always embed fonts even though the nEmbed parameter is set to not embed fonts COMMENTS As stated.

Regards Thomas
Thomas Uttendorfer
[ frevel & fey ] Software-System GmbH

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