Length of long string

forum.advanced.programming (1998-2005)

Length of long string

Post by victoire » 09 Mar 2005, 15:59

 Posted by:  victoire 

Hi NG,

I executed a sqlserver stored procedure in an app file.

I put the message in a long string and i can't see all the characters. i
can only see 116 characters.

Could someone help me about this ???


Martin Duty

Re: Length of long string

Post by Martin Duty » 09 Mar 2005, 17:11

 Posted by:  Martin Duty 

When you say message, do you mean the command sent to SQL Server, or the
results returned from SQL Server?

Also would help if we knew the version of SQL Server, your TD version and
PFT's, and how you are connecting to SQL Server.

Martin Duty
IT Manager
Underground Vaults & Storage, Inc.
TD 3.0 PFT2
Client Win 2K/XP
Database MS Sql Server 2000


Re: Length of long string

Post by victoire » 09 Mar 2005, 17:41

 Posted by:  victoire 

Thanks for you help i find the way .....the message was truncate on the


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