Howto create a Link to my Application ....

forum.advanced.programming (1998-2005)
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Howto create a Link to my Application ....

Post by peftraun » 14 Feb 2005, 11:48

 Posted by:  Fritz Peinbauer 


I have a document management application which holds metadata together with
the document file path in a database. The application is typical
client/server and is used in a LAN only. Documents are identified by unique
doc-id within the database.
Now i need to create links to such documents. These links should be placed
for example in a word document (or Excel or other) and should look and
behave like hyperlinks. When the user clicks, the document managemend
application should start and load the requested document-data from database.
I tried things like file://path/application.exe arguments which do not work
for me.

How can I create a link which starts the application and passes 1 parameter
(dok_id) ?

Is there someone how can give me some tipps how to approach this.

Thanks very much!
Fritz Peinbauer

Posts: 59
Joined: 17 Nov 2018, 09:58
Location: Austria

Re: Howto create a Link to my Application ....

Post by peftraun » 16 Mar 2005, 09:36

 Posted by:  Fritz Peinbauer 

found a solution by registering my application to a URL protocol

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Re: Howto create a Link to my Application ....

Post by Charlie » 16 Mar 2005, 16:21

 Posted by:  Jason Veniot 

G'day Fritz,

I can't get the example on that page to work. Is there anything that the
page doesn't mention?


Posts: 59
Joined: 17 Nov 2018, 09:58
Location: Austria

Re: Howto create a Link to my Application ....

Post by peftraun » 21 Mar 2005, 16:50

 Posted by:  Fritz Peinbauer 

Hi Jason,
do you get the notepad.exe started (maybe with any error message) when you
run something like note://something.txt ?
If yes you can see on the error message, what argument is passed to the
notepad.exe If you want your own application work like that make sure it
can work with that kind of argument.


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