Posted by: Matin Hobbs
I have been trying to unload a database using SQLBase 11.5 SP1. The database
is about 9GB in size. I am doing the unload from SQLTalk. The process never
finishes and gets slower and slower. I have watched and it would appear that
the DBNTSRV process is consuming more and more memory. After 13 hours and
790MB of memory consumed I finally gave up when it started taking 5 secs to
unload one thousand rows. We certainly don't have this problem with older
versions of SQLBase. This is the first production oreintated thing I have
done with 11.5 and I am very disappointed with it; this is after all a very
basic operation. The cache setting was 64000.
Any ideas how to work around this issue? Has anyone else experienced it?
Best Regards