TD-3910: 5.1 Bug with grid messages

forum.gupta.bugreport (2005-2010)
Mauro Mandolesi

TD-3910: 5.1 Bug with grid messages

Post by Mauro Mandolesi » 17 Oct 2007, 16:48

 Posted by:  Mauro Mandolesi 

Not even one single message is ever fired for grid columns. Not SAM_Validate, not SAM_AnyEdit, not SAM_SetFocus.

Is it supposed to?

Mike Vandine

Re: TD-3910: 5.1 Bug with grid messages

Post by Mike Vandine » 24 Oct 2007, 06:50

 Posted by:  Mike Vandine 

Thanks for your report. This has been reproduced and defect TD-3910 was

Best regards,


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