Posted by: Terry Phythian
The new "Picture File Name" outline entry under Menu Items has been added as
the last entry under the item. However, this makes it more difficult to
manage the Menu Actions for the Menu Item, especially as we're so used to
expanding the last entry to maintain them.
The Picture File Name should appear directly after the Keyboard Accelerator
entry (see below) for usability purposes. The Popup Menu also has the
Picture File Name as the last entry, but it's not a problem there, as Menu
Items, Separators, etc, are added in after it.
Terry Phythian,
Reprise Consulting
Menu Item: (untitled)
Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
Status Text:
Menu Settings
Enabled when:
Checked when:
Menu Actions
Picture File Name: (none)
Menu Item: (untitled)
Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
Picture File Name: (none)
Status Text:
Menu Settings
Enabled when:
Checked when:
Menu Actions