by Dave Rabelink » 22 Feb 2006, 22:11
Posted by: Dave Rabelink
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 12:13:36 -0500, "Jim McNamara"
And that's a pitty !
If I should make a list of the best 'inventions' Gupta has come up
with in TD, i should say the outline editor and for close second
dynalibs !
The community seems to have overlooked the true potential of dynalibs.
We have used them from the start they are introduced and offered us a
very good way to make huge applications modular. I must say even I did
not see the usage to be beneficial at the start. But when implemented
the right way, it gives really a perfect way to lower footprint,
increases release management control and offers real functional
building black boxes.
I know there are issues with dynalibs, many of them i have logged as a
bug myself and created several test cases for Gupta to show them in a
clear and reproducable way. But there are also many bugs to be found
in other core parts of TD in general, dynalibs are no exception.
If i really would find dynalibs introducing problems in TD build
applications, i would not use them. I always work to improve
performance and stability in my projects and till now dynalibs have
offered me ways for implementations i could not have acchieved without
them !
Maybe it is time for me to work on that article i'm planning to write
some time now. There i will show how to use dynalibs the right way and
giving a clear and stable framework for developers to use in large
scaled projects. Maybe i could drop along a tool i wrote to check
dynalib source-code to find potential faulty designs which could lead
to the known issues.
If others here would like to have this information and would like to
see how a dynalib framework which supports clear interfaces can be
implemented and want to see the real potential, raise your hands !
I think it would give Gupta an insight what a beautifull feature they
have introduced and hopefully will support and promote it more.