TD2005 Memoryleak with ActiveX-Events

forum.gupta.bugreport (2005-2010)
Manuel Volz

TD2005 Memoryleak with ActiveX-Events

Post by Manuel Volz » 29 Nov 2005, 21:28

 Posted by:  Manuel Volz 

In Runtime-Mode, the implementation of an AX-Event is eating 4k each second.
(The event will be fired 500 times a second.)

The Event was inserted with the Code-Assistant
On Update
XtremeCommandBars_ICommandBarControl: Control
empty or not doesn't make a difference

If i remove the Parameter (the event is than useless) there is no leak

Strange: in Debugmode there is also no problem.

There seems to be other memory leaks with Ax-Controls. Creating windows with
Ax-Controls in a loop (1000 times) are eating memory constantly.

Best regards
Manuel Volz

Posts: 867
Joined: 23 May 2018, 11:26
Location: Germany

Re: TD2005 Memoryleak with ActiveX-Events

Post by cschubert » 30 Nov 2005, 20:40

 Posted by:  Christian Schubert 


which version of XtremeCommandBars are you using? I'm using 9.80 with PTF1
and had no problems so far though I must admit that I did not especially
check for leaks nor use the Update event at all (using a function that is
called 500 times a second sounds just crazy to me :wink:) There are several
problems of TD2005 with events (inheritance across more than one level is
just a nightmare) but this could also be a problem of the ActiveX control.
BTW Codejock support is quite good at this point. I encountered a GPF with
9.80 in a special situation and they took my compiled sample app, the 30MB
runtime setup and fixed the problem within just a few days (I wish I could
say the same thing about the GUPTA support...). Perhaps you should ask them.

Christian Schubert

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