No combination of docking states possible

forum.gupta.bugreport (2005-2010)
Frank Otto

No combination of docking states possible

Post by Frank Otto » 27 May 2005, 15:05

 Posted by:  Frank Otto 


I want to dock two dialogs on the right side, one above the other:

Call SalDlgSetDockStatus (dlgTest1, DOCK_Right + DOCK_Top)
Call SalDlgSetDockStatus (dlgTest2, DOCK_Right + DOCK_Bottom)

But they were docked next to each other. I think this is a bug, because with
the mouse I can dock the two dialogs correctly, one above the other. If I
call SalDlgGetDockStatus after I did this, the dock status will be always

kind regards,


Jim McNamara

Re: No combination of docking states possible

Post by Jim McNamara » 27 May 2005, 16:59

 Posted by:  Jim McNamara 

I haven't tested it, but maybe it's a syntax issue.

Try DOCK_Right|DOCK_Top

Instead of DOCK_Right + DOCK_Top

Gerhard Achrainer

Re: No combination of docking states possible

Post by Gerhard Achrainer » 30 May 2005, 09:57

 Posted by:  g.achrainer 

It's not a syntax issue, but (in my opinion) just another half-done thing in
Teamdeveloper. I am not aware of a solution, except using XSalToolbars



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