by J.Bertram » 11 Aug 2005, 12:00
Posted by: Joerg P. Bertram
I am very sad to see that bugfix 83398 is not in the list!
72856 Getting "Error code at invocation of FunctionName: 80020009" when
passing a variant to a COM Interface function of a CTD 2.0.00 COM Object on
a SetObject() call.
79870 Report builder Automation: Scroll Toolbar not showing. Scroll Toolbar
is grayed out.
80321 Some fonts are not getting set correctly on the buttons, group boxes,
background texts, check boxes and radiobuttons.
81384 When VisMenuInsertPicture is called, it is inserting with a different
font than the default.
81389 OLEDB consumer against INFORMIX client Connect 2.70 with OLEDB
provider v2.50.0: SqlPrepareSP() failing with blank error (error 0) when
using bind variable in parameter strStoredProc. If not using bind variable
SqlPrepareSP() does not fail.
81612 Unable to open a Report Builder report if its name contains 4 or more
double-byte characters in it.
81740 Very sporadically getting runtime error "cannot read file", followed
by "cannot read application file" when a 'main' application is loading a
Team Developer application using SalLoadApp().
82048 cOutlineListBox has painting problems after calling function
82075 SQL Server OLEDB provider: Using bind variable within ROUND()
aggregate function causes "Error '-2147467259 Syntax error or access
82156 When there are two tables within a form class, wrong table column is
set if a function from another table window is called within a table.
82161 cQuickHTTP does not return correct Source or SourceSize depending on
certain URL values.
82206 Trying to use different trays on some printers doesn't work. Report
always prints from the top tray or tray 1.
82210 Menu shortcuts do not work in some circumstances, possibly related to
large number of menu items.
82211 SQLWindows executing wrong code in named menus in certain
circumstances, possibly related to large number of menu items.
82253 If first column of a source table window is set to Visible='No',
SalTblCopyRows() followed by SalTblPasteRows() will set first column of
target table window to NULL.
82513 When associating an image with a menu item via VisMenuSetPicture, the
menu item doesn't appear disabled visually. However, the message actions
aren't processed, indicating the item actually is disabled.
82529 When one uses a bitmap and an accelerator, the alignment of the hot
key is off when compared to menus that do not contain a bitmap.
82855 SQLWindows application crashes during compile after modifying and
refreshing a library file.
83507 An application saved in .APT format fails to load, locking/crashing
the SQLWindows IDE, in specific conditions.
So I hope PTF5 will come as soon as possible including this very strange