SalPrtSetup on Citrix

forum.gupta.bugreport (2005-2010)
Philip Hautekiet

SalPrtSetup on Citrix

Post by Philip Hautekiet » 19 Apr 2005, 14:52

 Posted by:  Philip Hautekiet 

De dialog box after SalPrtSetup displays multiple times the same printer.
It's confusing for our users.
How can we avoid this ?

We use Centura 1.5.1 PTF 5

Thanks in advance.

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Thomas Lauzi

Re: SalPrtSetup on Citrix

Post by Thomas Lauzi » 19 Apr 2005, 16:02

 Posted by:  Thomas Lauzi 

Try SalPrtSetupDlg(...) from SALExtension.apl.
Perhaps this gives you some other results...

Thomas L.


Re: SalPrtSetup on Citrix

Post by Karthik » 19 Apr 2005, 18:54

 Posted by:  karthik 

What you are facing is almost certainly a Citrix problem. We have had
problems with printers in a citrix/Centura environment. You need to
contact your system administrator and ensure that the drivers you are
using match the one in your client and so on....

But we havent faced the problem you are facing.


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