Error 09271 CGI AIN

forum.sqlhost (2000-2005)

Error 09271 CGI AIN

Post by Bert » 19 Feb 2003, 10:43

 Posted by:  Bert 


We are trying to use Citrix here. We have installed CTD 1.5.1 on the Citrix
server and want to test if we can get to the database using SqlTalk.

But when connecting, we get this error :

CGI AIN Allready initialised (09271)

We do not know what this error means (is undocumented in sql error file) and
how to solve it.

Here some environment info :

CTD 1.5.1 (SqlTalk)
Windows NT server (build 6)

Database :
DB2 using SqlHost !

Can anyone help ?


Version: 6.0.435 / 244 30-12-2002

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