Stack past its end CTD31 (1998-2005) & forum.sqlwindows (2000-2005)
Athanasios Papadopoulos

Stack past its end CTD31

Post by Athanasios Papadopoulos » 18 Feb 2005, 10:42

 Posted by:  Athanasios Papadopoulos 

CTD 3.1. PTF3 crashes the app file. Upon opening the fillowing message is
"An attempt was made to access call stack passed its end".

Have not found any solution to save my work.

Urgently any idea ??


Re: Stack past its end CTD31

Post by victoire » 27 Feb 2005, 00:33

 Posted by:  victoire 

Hi athanasios,

I had this issue and you can try to use the diff and merge tool to
getback your app file.

Then saves as the app file in an apt file.

It should works.

Good luck !!!

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