CTD 2005 question

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Praetorian Guard

CTD 2005 question

Post by Praetorian Guard » 18 Feb 2005, 08:31

 Posted by:  Praetorian Guard 

Hi All,

We have CTD 1.5 and CTD 3.0 installed on one machine is it possible to
install also CTD 2005 on the same machine?

Are there any known problems about the above setup?

Thank you in advance.

Jim McNamara

Re: CTD 2005 question

Post by Jim McNamara » 18 Feb 2005, 17:16

 Posted by:  Jim McNamara 

To install 2005 you won't have any choice but to leave at least 3.0 on the
machine. A previous version has to exist before the install can occur. I
have 3.0 and 3.1 both installed on my PC without issues. Just remember that
since 3.0 the app looks 1st in the current folder for an sql.ini.


Re: CTD 2005 question

Post by Karthik » 18 Feb 2005, 18:30

 Posted by:  Karthik 

Nothing. I had 2005(test), 3.1 and 2.1 on the same machine and it works
like a charm.

Be careful though about the 1.5 and 3.1 dll conflicts. SQLWNTM.DLL has
been changed to reflect multiple versions of SQLBase. Hence, if your 3.0
or 2005 application is reading the SQLWNTM.DLL from old versions of
SQLBase, it will cause a lot of unexpected problems. One more thing. In
3.1/2005 , there is a new router for Oracle - sqlora32.dll. Be careful
that your application is readinfd DLL's from the version it is supposed
to read.

My advice is, always use the DLL's that come with SQLBase and not with
Team Developer. Others may have a different opinion.


Praetorian Guard

Re: CTD 2005 question

Post by Praetorian Guard » 21 Feb 2005, 03:55

 Posted by:  Praetorian Guard 

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the reply. Is 3.1 the same as CTD 2005?

Praetorian Guard

Re: CTD 2005 question

Post by Praetorian Guard » 21 Feb 2005, 03:57

 Posted by:  Praetorian Guard 

Thanks Karthik for the info.

Praetorian Guard

Re: CTD 2005 question

Post by Praetorian Guard » 21 Feb 2005, 08:54

 Posted by:  Praetorian Guard 

I will answer my own question :-) CTD 2005 is version 4.0 not 3.1 please
correct me if I'm wrong.

Gerhard Achrainer

Re: CTD 2005 question

Post by Gerhard Achrainer » 21 Feb 2005, 10:47

 Posted by:  g.achrainer 

Considering the Linux version, I agree that it's 4.0.

But for the Windows version, I'd rather assume it's something like a 3.1.1

Of course, you are right anyway. TD 2005 is the next version that follows TD



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Joined: 27 Apr 2021, 12:40
Location: Germany

Re: CTD 2005 question

Post by RainerE » 21 Feb 2005, 11:03

 Posted by:  Rainer Ebert 


I would say, that TD 2005 Linux is vesion 1.0 :wink:)


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