ActiveX and Run-time licensing (1998-2005) & forum.sqlwindows (2000-2005)

ActiveX and Run-time licensing

Post by Ravi » 26 Jan 2005, 05:30

 Posted by:  Ravi 

Hi NG,

Our software needs MSCOMM32.OCX that needs to be deployed to the end users
PC. We need to install the license from our software. Has anyone done this
Any ideas on how that can be done?


Krister Henningsson

Re: ActiveX and Run-time licensing

Post by Krister Henningsson » 26 Jan 2005, 08:07

 Posted by:  Krister Henningsson 

Hi Ravi,

You need to register the component with the Windows program -REGSVR32.EXE.
Use the following command:


If you want to unregister the component, use the following command:


you can do this from your app with

!!CB!! 73
While nIndex < (nCount + 1) AND NOT SalArrayIsEmpty( sOcxFiles )
Call SalLoadApp( 'regsvr32.exe', df2 || '\\' || sOcxFiles[nIndex] )
! Call SalLoadApp( 'regsvr32.exe /s', df2 || '\\' || sOcxFiles[nIndex] )
Set nIndex = nIndex + 1

(for the designtime licence! you need to have vb installed since the
vbctrls.reg is merged into your registry on install :-))
regards, Kriss


Re: ActiveX and Run-time licensing

Post by Ravi » 27 Jan 2005, 01:47

 Posted by:  Ravi 

Hi Krister,

Thanks for the info. I'm aware of Regsvr32 but got the impression that
run-time license has to generated by some other means after I read this
article in MSDN.;en-us;315501

Is it enough if I copy the ocx (the target PCs are outside of the company's
network) and use Regsvr32 to register even if I only have a developer
license for the ocx?

Best Regards,

Krister Henningsson

Re: ActiveX and Run-time licensing

Post by Krister Henningsson » 27 Jan 2005, 08:48

 Posted by:  Krister Henningsson 

Hi Ravi,

Yes, basically you put the ocx in your distribution and

run the regsvr32, either from the application it self on start.

or manually on the clients pc/pcs (it's nice not having to go there

and log in to every pc, isn't it :wink:

I have a Test PC where I can roll out the

clients disk image and test that I got

all ocxs and dlls needed.

The policy here is to copy and paste the applications

(synchronization on login to the network:wink: thus no "installation"

is necessary (So etwas ist nur mit Guppta möglicht) but the

ocxs must be present on the disk image and registered,

or if the application is new, it must register them on first start.

One can check for the existents and register if present, or register

and silent /s

Kind Regards,



Re: ActiveX and Run-time licensing

Post by Ravi » 28 Jan 2005, 05:04

 Posted by:  Ravi 

Thanks Krister

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